Lebanon Town History


The name of my town is Lebanon, NH.  The town was named this because there is a tree named Lebanon which was popular a long time ago.  My town began in 1761.  Here are some things I know about those early years in my town.  There were two major fires.  Now my town is 254 years old.

My family came to this town in December, 2009.  My family has lived in this town for almost five years.  I have seen these changes in my town while I have lived here.  A house was built next door.  DHMC made a new location on Heater Road.  Here are some ways I think my town might change in the next twenty years.  There might be a Target, a new restaurant, a new high school, and a Starbucks.


In Lebanon, NH, on May 10th, 1887, a major fire started.  It destroyed approximately eighty buildings.  After the fire, woolen factories replaced furniture factories in the city.  The second major fire started in an abandoned blacksmith shop on June 19th, 1964.  Mill Street burned completely.  The fire was deliberately set by Albert Healey (21) and a friend.  Albert Healey rolled up a rug and set it on fire.  Albert was in prison for eight years.  The total cost of the damage from the fire was approximately three million dollars.  After the fire, new pedestrian malls were built, along with new streets, bridges, and traffic systems.  Those fires changed Lebanon to what it is today!


1 Comment on Lebanon Town History

  1. Frozen
    March 3, 2015 at 3:00 pm (9 years ago)

    I like Five Guys. I like your drawings. 🙂


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